All papers must be submitted through Microsoft’s Conference Management Toolkit papers submission system.

Papers will be published in a volume of Springer’s CCIS Series.

Authors should consult Springer’s Instructions for Authors of Proceedings and use either the LaTeX or the Word templates provided on the authors’ page for the preparation of their papers.

The types of papers accepted for publication are full papers (12–15 pages) and short papers (6–11 pages). At least 2/3 of the accepted papers will be full papers.

Camera-ready submission

General Information

Camera-ready versions and signed copyright forms of accepted papers must be submitted for inclusion in the conference proceedings and submitted to Springer. Please read the reviews on your paper in the decision letter, revise it, and prepare the final version according to the reviewers’ comments and strictly following the paper template.

Camera-ready Paper Specifications

  1. Prepare the camera-ready manuscript strictly using the LATEX or WORD templates to meet Springer’s formatting requirements. Your paper must have from 12 to a maximum of 15 pages.
  2. Convert the paper file to PDF format, and DO NOT apply security settings to your PDF file.
  3. Fill in and sign the Copyright Form of your paper using the pre-filled-in Copyright Form.
  4. Submit your camera-ready paper and copyright form on the CMT site. Three files must be submitted: i) Camera-ready paper in PDF format; ii) Sources of camera-ready paper (either DOC/DOCX file for WORD template or ZIP file for Latex template); iii) Fill-in and sign the Copyright Form.
  5. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference and attend the conference to present the paper.
  6. Any accepted paper will be excluded from distribution after the conference (including removal from Springer proceedings), if the accepted paper is not presented at the conference.
  7. Please note that the proceedings will be published as post-proceedings. So, keep in mind that authors will have the possibility to revise and improve their camera-ready paper after the conference, before the proceedings will be submitted to Springer, if they want.